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Healthcare worker in coaching session

Invest in coaching for healthcare professionals

Life doesn’t come with a how-to manual. It’s easy to veer off track without consciously realising it until you wake up one morning and think, how did I get here?

Do you find yourself in a healthcare environment that is perpetually changing through technology advancement, medical breakthroughs and public demand that creates a constant uphill climb? Add funding cuts, changing or merging job roles, enforced standards and legislation pressures to the situation and you might have found that your hours of service and career pathway has altered significantly from what you originally signed up for.

Just a brilliantly crafted course that met all the needs for us to deliver great medication training.

Phil Easton, Enhanceable

Brilliant! Easily digestible training. Lots of useful information which would suit anyone in any role – thank you TeeJay :-)

I found this course empowering as it tackled both the medication side but also a range of ideas for delivery which will make me a better trainer across all my subject areas, thank you!

Lucy Willder, Fitzroy Care
Healthcare coaching belief of things being possible.

Have you lost your direction?

Whilst changing industry and career landscapes can be an exciting and adventurous time, especially if you’re ambitious and adaptable, it can also be stressful, uncertain and unsettling.

Do you find yourself questioning your job, your values or what you want from life? Are you:

  • Going through life wondering if this is it?
  • Tired of being tired?
  • Fed up with being fed up?
  • Lacking excitement, energy, passion and purpose?
  • Expected to carry out the work of several people or improve targets with no additional hours, had your hours cut or seen the staff around you reduced?
  • Feeling stuck in a rut, trapped by circumstances in the workplace?
  • Emotionally numb?
  • Lacking vision and goals in your work or career?

Finding your purpose again and redefining your role as a healthcare professional could be the answer you’ve been searching for.

Gaining clarity in what you want to achieve through self-reflection, questioning your motives and values will give you a boost in confidence, build resilience and ignite your passion for helping others once again.

Do you strive for more?

Are you a go-getter who strives to be the best and progress your career at every opportunity? Do you feel as though your hard work is not recognised or feel that you could offer so much more? Are you:

  • Keen to climb the career ladder – as fast as possible?

  • Someone who needs cheering on and approval that you’re doing a good job?

  • Challenged enough and held accountable to achieve your goals?

  • Considering changing roles but unsure as to what will make you happy?

  • Looking to enhance your communication skills in the workplace?

  • Wanting to improve your own coaching skills to be more effective?

  • After support to develop effective strategies and structure?

Aspirational people will always strive to learn more, study more qualifications and look for ways to improve their situation through progression.

Sometimes compacting learning isn’t the answer and you just need to take a good look at yourself.

Stressed nurse who needs coaching session

Coaching excellence for healthcare professionals

If you partake in continued professional development (CPD), read copious leadership and self-improvement books, listen to podcasts or audio courses, or attend seminars or workshops to access tools and techniques to seek workplace fulfilment but still feel in limbo, it may be that you need to understand how to implement what you are learning.

Momentum People’s coaching division is committed to supporting you as a healthcare professional to be the best you can be in the most fulfilling role – for you.

You will uncover your purpose, define your ideal goals and unblock the obstacles that have kept you stuck in a rut or provided resistance for so long. You will be empowered by innovative coaching strategies and self-belief techniques to live a more fulfilling career by gaining tangible and immediate results that are sustainable for the long-term.

How to access coaching programmes

You can embark on a coaching for healthcare professionals programme as an individual or as an institution team.

Programmes are available as virtual timetabled events or as bespoke bookings.

Momentum People guarantees a safe and confidential environment where effective coaching is delivered by a professional who understands the pressures of the healthcare system and speaks your language.

Improve your career and reach heights you never dreamed could be possible. Imagine being completely fulfilled at work alongside your personal life with family and friends. How would you feel?

Coaching for healthcare professionals by Momentum People will give you the freedom to be the real you and live the life you dreamed of.

Invest in a dedicated coaching for healthcare professionals programme and realise your potential

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