MedicineTrain the TrainerEpilepsy AwarenessMedicines Management Training

Expert medicines training and coaching programmes

Stoke-on-Trent Training Centre | Open Calendar Courses | Bespoke Company Bookings

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Welcome to Momentum People

Developing momentous individuals in healthcare

Since 2004, Momentum People has offered a comprehensive range of professional medication training and development courses for individuals, teams and organisations. Delivered by pharmacist experts, course content is designed for the health, social care and education sectors. Training is available as open calendar events and bespoke sessions for larger organisations both online and in-person.

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Train the Trainer


Medication Audit Service


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Join thousands of health, social care and education professionals, teams and leaders who have already benefited from high quality, engaging training with Momentum People.

Patient's pills and medicines laid out on a white table

Train the Trainer – Safe Use of Medicines

A three-day course designed to cover training technique, confidence skills, current legislation and guidance for the safe management, handling, storage and disposal of medicines and controlled drugs.

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Medical practitioner with Epilepsy awareness ribbon

Train the Trainer Epilepsy Awareness with Midazolam

Practical training covering a comprehensive curriculum to equip in-house trainers with up-to-date and accurate epilepsy awareness knowledge, the buccal administering of Midazolam and assessing the competencies to ensure safe practice.

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Man carries out diabetes finger prick check n themselves during training

Diabetes Awareness Training

A comprehensive overview of diabetes designed to provide an all-inclusive understanding of the different types, its causes and impacts, and how medication and lifestyle changes can affect the way people live with the condition.

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Categories: Diabetes

Toddler in care hanging out washing

Medicines Management in Children’s Services

A tailored course introducing guidance and legislation for the administration of medicines, including dosage, formulations and routes of administration, as well as competently managing side effects or adverse reactions.

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Categories Diabetes

Medical manager in meeting

Manage Your Time, Team and Tantrums

A practical and engaging course introducing healthcare managers and business owners to effective time management techniques, successful leadership skills and understanding how personality traits and behaviours can affect team dynamics.

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Categories: Management

Concerned and stressed nurse sits in quiet corridor during a shift

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

A management course introducing powerful techniques and coping strategies to ensure positive mental wellbeing and self-protection in the workplace. Knowledge from this course will help to reduce staff absenteeism and build resilience for everyone involved.

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Categories: Management

Medicines and pills in jars for Medication Administration Records training

Anaphylaxis and EpiPen Training

Practical training designed to improve awareness of anaphylaxis, use of EpiPens and similar adrenaline autoinjectors, and the effective administration of adrenaline as an emergency response to an acute allergic reaction.

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Categories: Medicines

Medical practitioner with Epilepsy awareness ribbon

Epilepsy Awareness Training

Foundation Epilepsy awareness training delivers an overview of the condition, its causes, symptoms, types of seizures and treatment options. The advanced modules familiarise participants with the process of administering epilepsy medication options.

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Categories: Medicines

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Traning Course Reviews

Investing in medication training for teams or as an individual is not a light decision. Momentum People never force course sales because past participants share everything in their own words.

I would certainly recommend this to anybody needing medication training or needing to become a trainer. Very, very enjoyable and knowledgeable.

Callum McDonald, Fitzroy

An excellent well-balanced delivery. training materials and methods cover a broad spectrum of learning styles. A great opportunity for staff and managers to learn side by side to cement learning.

Kevin Gardon, The Getaway

This course is very informative, not only about meds management but effective and interesting ways of teaching others.

Sophie Robinson, Royal Derby Hospital

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